Our Story
Sanggaya IndoCraft began with a dream, to introduce Indonesia craftsmanship to the world and help our local community, which is why in the year of 2000 Sanggaya IndoCraft was established to achieve that dream. Through the company, we are able to promote Indonesia by integrating the iconic Indonesian craftsmanship through the hands of our skilled weavers that we take from our local community to our product.

Our workers are employed from the local of weavers to support and enrich our local community by providing employment and improving the living conditions of the community. We treat our weavers such family and through our production activities that make use of craftsmanship of the local weavers and workforce.

Who are we?
Sanggaya IndoCraft is an export based medium enterprise located in Tangerang in the province of Banten with 5000 m² of workshop area and more than 100 craftsmen with each of them having 5 to 20 years of experience which allow us to produce handwoven rattan baskets at 15 of 40’HC per month. Sanggaya IndoCraft is experienced in exporting our rattan baskets to various destinations, such as Europe, America, South Africa, New Zealand, Australia, Dubai, and many more..

Sanggaya IndoCraft specializes in handwoven rattan baskets which uses various types of rattan as main material, which are vine like plants with 2 to 35 cm in diameter which grow much faster compared to most tropical plants and much easier to harvest requiring only a simple tool which allows them to double as a forest maintenance tool due to their fast growth and ease of harvesting. Their role as a forest maintenance tool are also helped by our effort of replanting harvested rattan to create our products and at the same time conserve the forest.

Visions for the Future
Our future plan, we would like to keep introducing Indonesia craftsmanship by expanding our products worldwide, not only rattan baskets but also a lot more in furniture designs. We are also working to expand our production capabilities to better meet the increasing market demands by keep improving our product quality and fast response service

Rattan Wicker Basket, Rattan Wicker Basket Manufacturer, Rattan Wicker Bike Basket, Rattan Wicker Bicycle Basket, Rattan Wicker Garden Basket, Rattan Wicker Bread Basket,Rattan Wicker Laundry Basket, Rattan Wicker Large Basket, Rattan Wicker White Basket, Rattan Wicker Flower Basket, Rattan Wicker Rattan Baskets Manufacturer Indonesia, Rattan Wicker Pet Basket, Rattan Wicker Lid Basket, Rattan Wicker Grey Basket, Rattan Wicker Rustic Basket, Rattan Wicker Flower Basket, Rattan Wicker Picnic Basket, Rattan Wicker Wine Basket, Rattan Wicker Garden Hanging Basket, Rattan Wicker Magazine Basket, Rattan Wicker BottleBasket, Rattan Wicker Cutlery Basket, Rattan Wicker Lamp Shade, Rattan Wicker Basket Umbrella Basket, Rattan Wicker Large Liddid Basket