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Wicker Rattan Storage Container

The team marched out of the hall and was set to the mission; they all dressed in red coats, they were 10 then in number and sent them to the forest to find the Wicker Rattan Storage Container, and anyone who got it would be given $10,000, they were busy looking for the Wicker Rattan Storage Container for hours, when one of them suddenly saw a big python, he ran immediately and saw two of their mate discussing silently, so he porn in the grass and began to follow them to know what they are discussing. Their intention, he followed them silently and listened to their discussion; one of them said (once I get the Wicker Rattan Storage Container, I will purchase a car and a house) the other guy replied and said (Once I get this Wicker Rattan Storage Container and I win the money I will use the money to pay all my debt and invest with the rest) they both moved further. They were searching for where the Wicker Rattan Storage Container could be.

Filex (one of the team) left them and kept on searching for the Wicker Rattan Storage Container; suddenly, Filex saw a monkey on a tree; the monkey was pointing in a direction; Filex was highly intelligent and knew what the monkey was trying to pass across to him, filex followed the monkey for up to 30min before he a saw a cave, the cave was so scary for filex to enter, filex finally entered the cave and saw the Wicker Rattan Storage Container in a corner, so he was glad. He needed to play smart because if any of his team could find out, he knew where the Wicker Rattan Storage Container was, it did not take care he likely lost his life, as he was about to bring out the Wicker Rattan Storage Container, he sensed some movement and heard a human voice speaking closed to him, so he then decided to hide somewhere in the cave, when he had one of them saying ” who knows if the Wicker Rattan Storage Container is in this cave”? And his mate replied and said to him, ” why won’t you let us find out by searching” (they both came into the cave and it was dark, Filex was able to see them easily, but they couldn’t see him, they both searched for 30 minutes before they gave up and went out.

Filex quickly ran out with the precious Wicker Rattan Storage Container. As he was running, he saw the monkey again directing him in a direction. He obeyed and followed the monkey’s lead; suddenly, he met two teammates holding a knife and moving in his direction. He threatened to bring the Wicker Rattan Storage Container. Filex disagreed with them and ran for his life. They both chase after him at full speed; as Filex branch a corner, he sees an older man, the older man called him. He said, ” touch my staff ” Filex obeyed him as he touched the staff, he became invisible to his mate, and his mate wondered how he could disappear within a twinkle of an eye, so they ran further in other to catch up with him.

{Thanked the older man for his supernatural assistance, and he left and looked back to see the older man, but he couldn’t find him anymore, he then wondered how the older man disappeared too soon, but he continued his hide and sought, and dusted the Wicker Rattan Storage Container) {On the other side] five of them were discussing busy talking about how they could spend their money if they could be a winner; while they were eating a roasted antelope, Filex sighted them afar and took the opposite direction; he proceeded with suspicion of how he would successfully deliver the Wicker Rattan Storage Container.

Filex later submitted the Wicker Rattan Storage Container, won the price, and was given the Wicker Rattan Storage Container; Filex got home and showed his wife and children the magnificent Wicker Rattan Storage Container. Filex noticed everyone loved the Wicker Rattan Storage Container, so he decided to make more of it to be sold; he thought that would be a great investment for him. So Filex invested half of his money in the business by calling Wicker Rattan crafter to make thousand the Wicker Rattan Storage Container, which they successfully did; band Filex made huge sales from it.

Throughout Filex life, he was extremely wealthy through the Wicker Rattan Storage Container business. Filex became famous throughout the city, and he survived all the persecution he faced from his enemies despite his tribulations. ~ Wicker Rattan Storage Container ~